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Powerful Benefits of Sri Durga Chalisa
- Grants intelligence and wisdom
- Removes sorrows and hardships
- Bestows spiritual and material prosperity
- Helps overcome six vices (desire, pride, etc.)
- Ensures success in rituals by invoking feminine energy
- Enhances faith and devotion
- Offers ultimate liberation
Durga Devi: The Universal Mother of Strength and Compassion
Durga Devi is a symbol of pride and courage. On one hand, her fierce personality is evident as she rides a lion, a dreaded carnivore. On the other hand, her benign face is a wonder to many. How can one carry two contrasting natures? Who else but the universal mother can be both stern and merciful?

Mother Durga is known to shower her blessings very quickly. Durga Chalisa was written by Sant Devidas and consists of 40 verses.It praises Durga devi as Parabrahman, the feminine counterpart of Lord Shiva.Once, the Advaitin philosopher Adi Shankaracharya did a special penance called Aacharaj by the virtue of which he had subdued anger and desire. But never for a moment did he think of Bhavani. As a result, he lost all his powers. On realizing his mistake Shankara repented and pacified Devi by singing hymns.Being essentially merciful, the mother goddess restored his powers in no time.
Invoking Masculine and Feminine Energies for Spiritual Success
For any ritual to be a success, it is hence mandatory to invoke both the masculine and feminine energies. Lakshmi, Bhavani, Matangi, Dhumavati, Bhuvaneshwari, Bagalamukhi, Bhairavi, Tara, Chinnamasta and Kali are all expansions of Durga and are spoken of in the Durga Chalisa. In fact, those conversant in Hindi or North-Indian regional dialects can easily understand the meaning of the Durga Chalisa and the associated benefits. Yet for those readers who speak other languages or are unable to interpret the meaning, I shall explain the benefits in this video.
Durga Chalisa: A Divine Remedy for Sorrow and Spiritual Growth
Mother Durga removes all sorrow and fills our life with happiness. Durga Devi blesses one with intelligence. Here the context is spiritual intelligence, the ability to see through the duplicitous ways of the material world and develop dispassion towards them. Whoever sings the Durga Chalisa with faith never goes through poverty.

Whoever keeps the form of mother Durga locked in one’s heart is freed from the endless cycle of birth and death. If Jagadamba is pleased, she does not delay in giving powers to the sincere reciter. Persons troubled by financial difficulties, relationship issues, job insecurities, psychological problems or any kind of conceived difficulty should constantly recite this line of the chalisa in the mind-
मोको मातु कष्ट अति घेरो। तुम बिन कौन हरै दुःख मेरो॥
moko mātu kaṣṭa ati ghero| tuma bina kauna harai duḥkha mero||
which means “Oh Mother I am in deep trouble, who other than You can end my sorrow!” This is a secret mantra.
Durga Devi’s Grace: Overcoming Karma and Destroying Vices
Under the Guru’s direct instructions, one can take an anushthana of the lines that I just recited, with Bhakti and attachment. It is certain that the problem shall be sorted out, or at least reduce the intensity of the Karma. If one chants this mantra with sincere feeling, Devi’s mercy is bound to come. There is no doubt about this.

How can the universal mother ignore the cries of her distressed devotees? Now, comes the medicine for the six vices. Those who are troubled by hopes and longings, infatuation, attachment, lust and pride, Devi destroys them all. Here hope is termed as a vice, much opposed to the English phrase ‘Hope for the future’.
In Indian Spirituality, Hope is synonymous to desire and hence it is discardable. If the devotee remembers Durga devi with one-pointed attention, goddess Durga destroys all enemies and desire is apparently the deadliest. Now should we take this word ‘enemies’ literally?
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Durga Devi’s Blessings: Wisdom, Prosperity, and Spiritual Attainment
Note that Devi doesn’t physically slay our enemies with her sword. She grants them good sense so that they do not infringe our personal space keeping them at bay. Furthermore, Devi blesses one with Ridhi and Siddhi who are her daughters-in-law, that is they are the wives for her son Ganesha. Do take out time to watch our video titled Incredible Benefits of Chanting Ganesh Mantra | Om Gan Ganpataye Namah Benefits
Riddhi stands for material benefits while Siddhi represents spiritual attainment. The Durga chalisa tells us that both the material and spiritual lives of the reciter shall be taken care of by Devi if the recitation is sincere and imbued with devotion. The last two lines are Phalashruti.
Durga Chalisa: A Path to Ultimate Happiness and Liberation
However, according to me, the entire chalisa is self-explanatory and auspicious, full of benefits. The saint writes, whoever sings the Durga Chalisa attains all-round happiness and finally attains the ultimate state.
This ultimate state varies from individual- individual. For a devotee the ultimate state means reaching Devi Loka and serving the mother goddess eternally as her children. While for others it may mean merging with the divine light. Whatever be one’s spiritual goal one attains that. This is the implication.

As far as material comfort and all-round happiness is concerned, the Karma cannot be discounted. However, during one’s bad times, Devi shall always grant strength and courage to face the trials of life. This is true happiness.
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