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Who is Devi Lalitha
Lalitha Sahasranama is the most sacred text of Shaktism. The word Lalita literally means playful. The universe is like a plaything in Devi’s hand. She runs this universe and is the empress of the material world. Hence, she is also known as Tripurasundari or the most beautiful one in all the three worlds.

Her consort is Kameshwara, the handsome form of Lord Shiva. The Shree Yantra personifies the goddess. You may find our video titled “Benefits of Chanting Argala Stotram | Devi Argala Stotram Benefits” interesting The Lalita Sahasranamam is present in the Brahmanda Purana. Goddess Lalita directed the eight vaak Devis to compose the Lalitha Sahasranama. A great alternative to the Lalitha Sahsranamam is the Argala Stotram.
The 8 Vaak Devis
The 8 vaak Devis are – Vasini, Kameshwari, Aruna, Vimala, Jayinee, Modhinee, Sarveshwari, Koulini. The eight Vaak Devis then handed over this knowledge to Hayagriva, the horse incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Then, Lord Hayagriva transmitted this science to Sage Agastya who later spread this knowledge to the world.

Sanskrit scholars study the repeated occurrence of the same name and give their commentary on it. However, in the Lalitha Sahasranama, there is not a single repetition. Every word is fresh and new. Besides, Stotrams lacking stuff employ the use of Sanskrit conjunctions such as tu, api, ca, and hi. But, the Lalita Sahasranamam doesn’t employ such auxiliary conjunctions.
The Juiciest Part of Shakta Literature is the Lalitha Sahasranamam
It is thus the sweet juice of all Shakta literature. Thus the Lalitha Sahasranama is perfect in its standard of poetic, metrical, and mystical background. You may also find another version of our video titled “Benefits of Lalitha Sahasranamam | Miracles of Lalitha Sahasranamam” interesting.
Now, I shall state the benefits of chanting Lalita Sahasranama The entire science of Kundalini Yoga is encapsulated within this Stotram. Hence, it is an ideal chant for yoga practitioners. This Stotram is very dear to Lalita Devi.
Hence recitation of the Stotram pleases the goddess and she makes one’s life journey smooth, by removing the thorns of Sanchita and Agami Karma from our lives. To know the ways of Karma, watch our video titled “What are the 3 Types of Karma? | What is Karma? | How to Clear Past Life Karma?”.
Role of Faith in Chanting Lalita Sahasranamam
By drinking ghee offered to the goddess, infertile women experience the joy of children. This depends on one’s faith and surrender to Devi. If you are drinking the Ghee thinking that it will give you children, it will fail to give you the desired results. Rather one should perform all activities for Devi, for the pleasure of Devi alone. Chanting the Lalita Sahasranama shields you from black magic and sorcery.

The greatness of this Stotram is that it pleases all aspects of Adi Parashakti, be it goddess, Lakshmi, Saraswati, or Kali– from the most soothing forms to the terrifying forms. You do not need to individually chant their Sahasranama separately.
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Benefits of the Lalitha Sahasranamam
In fact, every Sahasranama of all other Devis is also equally potent, provided your faith is potent. Recitation of Lalitha Sahasranama is sufficient as she is all-inclusive. The Stotram grants peace of mind and liberation. Chanting the Lalita Sahasranama with faith and devotion burns the sins accrued over previous lifetimes.
The divine mother’s benign glance shall always be on the chanter. She supports the chanter with all the basic necessities of life, ensuring that her devotee is never lacking in wealth and prosperity. The haunting fear of enemies shall go.
However, I recommend chanting this Stotram to win the love of Lalitha Devi. The rest shall fall in place.
An Interesting Story About Lalitha Devi
Lalitha Devi is notably known for slaying the demon Bhandasura of Shonitapura using the Kameshwar-astra. According to a popular legend, after Devi Sati’s demise, Lord Shiva drowned himself in penance.
Meanwhile, Lord Brahma granted Tarakasura a boon that only the son of Lord Shiva shall cause his death. The trickster knew of Lord Shiva’s age-long penance. So the devas sent Kama to interrupt his penance. Kamadeva let loose his flower arrow on Lord Shiva. The deity immediately smelt foul play and burnt Manmatha with the blazing fire from his third eye. Rati, the consort of Kamadeva wept bitterly at the demise of her husband.

Pitifully lord Shiva sprinkled some water on the ashes to revive Kama. A demon named Banasura appeared from the ashes causing havoc in the three worlds. Lalitha Devi appeared from Indra’s sacrifice and slew the demon. This is not a mere story. It has a symbolic meaning as well.
Symbolic Representation of Lalitha Devi’s story
Here, Daksha represents skill. A skilled man may develop arrogance. This is represented by Daksha’s character. Sati is his daughter who is the personification of truthfulness and piety. Truthfulness and Arrogance can never go hand-in-hand.
Lord Shiva is consciousness. When arrogance fails to acknowledge the presence of consciousness, truthfulness sacrifices herself in the holy fire. Once truthfulness is gone, skill loses its value and is decapitated. The conscience represented by Lord Shiva pricks the individual constantly until one takes divine recourse.
From the ashes of Lust appears the demon of anger known as Banasura. Unfulfilled lust generates Anger. By directing these energies inwards and surrendering to Lalitha Devi, one dives into an ocean of bliss, thus raising the bar of one’s consciousness.
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