Magic of Sita Devi’s Sahasranama Mantra

seeta devi sahasranama

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Who is Sita Devi and the meaning of “Sita”

Sita Devi is the divine consort of Lord Rama. The embodiment of Chastity, Mother Sita is the incarnation of goddess Lakshmi. King Janaka discovered her while ploughing the field and hence named her ‘Sita’.

sita devi

The name Sita literally means furrow. Just like Sri Rama, Sitaji too was born on Navami. Sri Rama composed the Sita Sahasranama as part of the 25th chapter of the Adbhuta Ramayana.

Sita Devi in the Adbhuta Ramayana

Adbhuta Ramayana was composed by Sri Valmiki and is a different text, not to be confused with his original work of Valmiki Ramayana.

The story goes like this.

Once a group of sages visited Lord Rama to congratulate him for having killed the 10-headed Ravana. Srimati Sita Devi who was sitting beside him smiled mysteriously. The sages enquired about the reason for this gesture from the Mother. Sita Devi said that the killing of the 10-headed Ravana was very trivial.

Her genuine success was in the slaying of the 1000-headed Ravana. Not everyone knew about this demon. Sita Devi continued-

Before her marriage, a Brahmin accepted her hospitality and revealed that there is a thousand-headed Ravana who rules over Pushkara dvipa. Sri Rama along with his associates set out to assassinate him post the period of his exile, once Sita Devi reunited with Him and the ten-headed Ravana already slain.

However, the demon known as Sahasra Ravana was powerful and defeated his brothers including Hanumanji, Sugriva, and Vibhishana. Sri Rama along with Sita Devi witnessed the war from the skies sitting on the Pushpaka Vimana. Sri Rama then joined the war, after the defeat of his army.

sita slays 1000 headed ravana

Finally, Sri Rama fell down wounded. The demon laughed loudly and mockingly. Sita Devi then got up from her seat and transformed into Ugramurti Kali. She slew the demon along with his entire army. When Sri Rama regained consciousness, he saw Kali and her associates playing with the heads of Sahasra Ravana.

Lord Rama got frightened and immediately composed the Sita Sahasranama to calm her down. You may also find our video on Kali Sahasranama interesting. Sita Sahasranama is very similar to the many names of Bhavani since both possess the same feminine energy.

sita as kali devi

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Purity of Sita Devi is Immaculate

Goddess Sita always stands by her husband’s side. Forsaking palatial comforts, she accompanied Sri Rama on a perilous journey.

Her purity is unquestionable. Married women worship the mother goddess to remain steadfast in their marital vows. She is both an inspiration and has the energy to execute any task.

We can compare the Rama and Sita Sahasranama. Lord Rama symbolizes the inner fire present in the Manipuraka Chakra while Sita Devi represents the Kundalini Shakti in the Mooladhara Chakra.

muladhara chakra

Thus She represents the earth element and grounds the individual.

The Rama mantra ignites the inner fire burning all Doshas in the body whereas Sita Sahasranama activates the flow of Prana in the Sushumna Nadi enabling the upward movement of the Kundalini energy.

Uttering Rama Sahasranama pleases Her more than reciting Her own names. Just as Sri Rama is Maryada Purushottama or a perfect man, Sita Devi is the perfect woman. Sita Devi is an ideal daughter, wife, daughter-in-law, and mother. If Sita Devi is happy, Sri Rama is happy.

ram sita

Chanting the Sita Sahasranama is thus an excellent way to please Lord Rama as well. If Sri Rama is pleased, Lord Hanuman follows suit. Check out our video on the Benefits of chanting the Sita Ram Hanuman mantra to know more.

Benefits of the Sita Sahasranama

Since this is a part of a Tantrika Shakti Text, Initiation is compulsory.

A Rama Bhakta or an ardent follower of Hanumanji who has followed perfect celibacy should institute you into the Seeta Sahasranama. Now I shall state the benefits of chanting the Sita Sahasranama.

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On chanting the Sita Sahasranama, the Sushumna Nadi vibrates resulting in ecstasy and higher moods. This can turn ugly if you do not have an able Guru and are not into this special Sahasranama.

Unmarried girls get an understanding husband who shall love them dearly. Chanting the Sita Sahasranama one enters into a blissful married life.

It is also beneficial for expecting couples. She gives the qualities of parenthood and blesses the child with a bright future ahead. One’s health improves, skin glows, voice develops magnetism and psychic abilities awaken.

The Psychic Abilities are because of the association of the text with Tantrika practices. The Stotram introduces a change of heart where one becomes more straightforward, and sensitive to the needs of others if chanted with awareness.

Since Sita Devi is the personification of Bhakti, she instills Rasa and devotion in the chanter. A reflection of Sita Devi’s love for Lord Rama manifests in one’s heart. One becomes more serene, less disturbed by external conditions. The Stotram protects us from black magic and spells.

I advise you to chant one round of the Sri Rama Rameti mantra as well. This shall boost the benefits. Watch our video on the Sri Rama Rameti mantra to know more.

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Process of Chanting the Sita Sahasranama

Wake up early in the morning at around 7:00 AM. After a bath, sit on an asana. Keep a photo of Ram Sita Hanuman in front of you and first take their blessings. Always keep a photo of Sita Devi along with Sri Rama.

09-yama and niyama

Finally, offer some dry fruits as Archana. This is a very simple yet sure-shot way to win the grace of Sita Devi. However, you need to follow Yamas and Niyamas and consume Satvik food. The Sadhaka must totally give up non-vegetarian and onion-garlic from their diet completely before taking initiation into the Stotram.

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