Narasimha: The Amazing Saviour of Prahlada

narasimha- the amazing saviour of prahlada

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Nature of Lord Narasimha

Lord Narasimha is considered to be the fourth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He appeared to save his devotee Prahlada.

Nara-simha literally means Partly-Man-Partly Lion. Hence, Lord Narasimha carries both traits of a lion and a human being.

He loves his devotees and dislikes sinners.

glories of lord narasimha

Actually, Lord Narasimha is of the extremist temperament.  His love is a boundless ocean which knows no end; same goes with his anger. He displays both sides of his personality to the highest degree.

Hence Lord Narasimha is one of the most powerful incarnations.

By pleasing him, you get complete protection and care. No calamity of the world can even come close to you.

Usually, we see Lord Vishnu in his soothing blue complexioned appearance. However, here in this incarnation, we see him display boundless anger which also expresses his immense love for his devotees in the end.

Story of Narasimha Avatar

In Satya Yuga, there lived two demons named Hiranyakashipu and Hiranyaksha.

The two brothers were deeply attached to each other.

who was hiranyakashipu?

Once, Hiranyakshya abducted Mother Earth and threw her into the oceanic depths. So, Lord Vishnu came as Varaha and slew Him

Soon, Hiranyakashipu learnt of the death. Thereafter he decided to please Lord Brahma for the boon of immortality.

Kayadu- The Mother of Prahlada

Meanwhile, Indra attacked the demon capital and imprisoned his pregnant wife Kayadu. Fortunately, Sage Narada arrived in time and rescued the lady. Thus, Kayadu took shelter in the hermitage of Narada Muni.

Sage Narada- The Guru of Prahlada

Now, in the holy atmosphere of the hermitage, the fetus developed into an exalted devotee.

sage narada- the guru of prahlada

It silently heard discourses from the lotus mouth of Sage Narada. The baby was none other than the great devotee Prahlada.

Thus two personalities of opposite temperaments thrived in the same family.

Hiranyakashipu’s Boon

Back in the mountains, Lord Brahma asked Hiranyakashipu to express his desire. Of course, Hiranyakashipu demanded immortality.

lord brahma appears infront of hiranyakashipu

However, On Brahma’s refusal, he compromised by saying-

“I should neither die during day nor night, no weapon should kill me. No man, god and beast should destroy me. I should neither die at home nor outside.”

Brahma granted the boon and then disappeared.

Thus, stooped in arrogance, Hiranyakashipu conquered the heavens and usurped the meals of the ancestral planet. He became invincible and controlled the forces of nature.

Soon, he invited his family and made arrangements for their stay.

Hiranyakashipu was a sworn enemy of Vishnu. In this regard, he hated His very mention.

hiranyakashipu tries to harm bhakta prahalada

Now, the father and son differed in their ways. On learning of Prahlad’s views, Hiranyakashipu arranged for Prahlada’s demoniac upbringing. But none could deter the steadfast devotee.

In Gurukula, Prahlada’s aura influenced his fellow mates and they adopted devotion. On seeing the rapid conversion, his teachers grew worried and complained to his father.

The Threat on Prahlada

glories of prahalada maharaja

Hiranyakashipu then ordered Prahlada to publicly accept him as ‘GOD’. However, Prahlada was steadfast in his faith systems. Lord Vishnu was the sole ruler of his heart.

Frustrated, Hiranyakashipu thought of killing Prahlada.

He threw Prahlada into a pool of the deadliest reptiles, pierced his tender body with weapons, pushed him from a cliff, set an elephant to trample him and so on.

But, each time Lord Vishnu protected his devotee and displayed his unparalleled affection.

Death conspiracies were numerous. But, here we shall cover the most prominent event.

Holika’s Attempt to Kill Prahlada

Holika, the sister of Hiranyakashipu, played a great role in the celebration of the holi festival. She had acquired a boon from Agni deva to survive fire burns.

Over-confidently, she went to her brother and said-

“I shall enter the pyre with Prahlada. This time he shall die.” Thus, she assured him of her success.

prahalada enters the fire

However, Prahlada was protected by Lord Vishnu. No calamity could even touch him. Finally, Holika lifted Prahlada on her lap and sat on a burning pyre.

The flames soared high with a roaring blaze. Now, Prahlada invoked his eternal father Vishnu, for his protection. Lord Vishnu is the master of all benedictions. No power can go against him and his devotees.

Hence, the boon burnt the demoness to death. Prahlada got up from the fire safe and sound.

Thereafter, people celebrated Holi by recalling this event.

Hiranyakashipu’s End

Finally Hiranyakashipu went to Prahlada to kill him with his own hands.

appearance of sri narasimha

Angry at Hiranyakashipu, Narasimha Dev tore open a stone pillar to protect his devotee.

Thereafter, Lord Narasimha dev flung the demon on his lap and tore open his chest with his sharp nails at the hour of twilight, sitting at the exit door. He then wore a garland of intestines and roared ferociously. You may also want to read about Devi Pratyangira, in connection with the Pastimes of Lord Narasimha, that will hold your interest.

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Lord Narasimha’s Anger

The humiliation of his devotee had left an unseen scar in His heart.

The three worlds trembled at his very sight. The gods went to Brahma who finally looked up to Prahlada for refuge.

 Prahlada went near Lord Narasimha accompanied by Mother Lakshmi to pacify the Lord.

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On seeing His cherished devotee, Narasimha dev cooled down and lifted him on his lap.

Then he lovingly licked him showing his extraordinary affection.

lord narasimha protects and hugs his devotee prahalada

Prahlada was merely five years of age, and his devotion was far superior than the greatest of mystics. His faith and trust made him the Lord’s favorite.

Subsequently, Narasimha deva performed his coronation ceremony.

Rare Narasimha temples

1) Bhadrachalam Narasimha Temple, Telangana: is worth a visit. As it is, the place radiates spiritual energy.

You significantly feel the presence of Lord Rama, owing to the famous temple built by Bhakta Ramdas.

sri bhadrachalam narasimha

2) Shri Laxmi Narasimha Temple, Maharashtra-  The temple lies in Pune district Maharashtra.

If you take a note, the deity follows the Maharashtrian style of dressing. Moreover the temple’s architectural setting is great for tourists.

The advantage you get here is that it is situated near Pandharpur, the location of Lord Vitthala. Hence devotees can also get the blessings of Pandharinath. Pandharpur lies at a distance of 37.66 Km.

Narasimha Mantra

This is one of the most potent Narasimha Mantras.

“Ugram Veeram Maha Vishnum Jwalantam Sarvato Mukham
Nrusimham Bheeshanam Bhadram Mrutyur Mrutyum Namahyaham”

Benefits: The mantra protects the chanter from negative energies creating an invisible shell. The chanter radiates positivity and carries power to influence. His approach differs from the typical herd mentality.

He stands as a lion amongst the rest. Just as Hiranyakashipu trembled at the very sight of Narasimha deva, all unwanted propensities vacate our heart.

Soon, we are rid of the dubious and indecisive mind. Besides, the mantra also grants fearlessness and confidence.

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