Om Kreem Kalikayai Namah: 7 Reasons to Chant

om kreem kalikayai namah

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Why should Anybody Chant the Om Kreem Kalikayai Namah Mantra

  • Enhances Financial Prosperity
  • Removes Fear and Anxiety
  • Offers Protection from Evil Forces
  • Awakens Dormant Spiritual Energy
  • Strengthens Mental and Emotional Stability
  • Improves Physical and Mental Health
  • Brings Divine Blessings and Siddhis

Om Kreem Kalikayai Namah: A Person should be careful

Today we shall discuss the benefits of chanting the mantra Om Kreem Kalikaye Namaha and How to chant it to obtain maximum results. I personally do not recommend chanting this mantra, because this mantra is connected to Devi Kali’s terrible forms.  It is better not to attract Her ferocious forms.  But if one does this sadhana under a Devi Sadhaka who has attained siddhi in this mantra, then the chanter can definitely get benefits, provided one follows every Tantrik Rule without any omissions. 

The Kreem Beeja is Extremely Potent but dangerous.

kali sadhaka

In Kali Yuga, Kali is a very potent goddess.  She is fierce and the personification of raw spiritual energy.  Mother Kali’s mantra works instantly on the subconscious and unconscious layers of the mind.  The presence of the beejakshara Kreem makes the mantra more powerful and special.  The Kreem Beeja Mantra invokes Sri Kali Devi directly in Her Raw form. 

She represents the Supreme Brahman and Mahamaya simultaneously whereby, the chanting of the Beeja continuously, without guidance can cause havoc in one’s life because of the uncontrolled opposing aspects of Nature and Brahman appear simultaneously within the conscious aspect of the chanter, thereby leaving him devastated, if the chanter is not prepared with the initial preparatory sadhana as advised to him, for purification by his Guru. 

The Beeja “Kreem” has many Tantrik Potencies and if mastered can give access to dormant powers of Nature. But for an unprepared sadhaka it is like handing over a double edge moving sword in the hands of a toddler. 

The Work and Benefits of  the Om Kreem Kalikayai Namah Mantra

All types of fear leave the heart such as fear of darkness, enemies, unemployment, failure, and loneliness, provided one is under the care of an adept Guru.  Otherwise, the same mantra can produce counter results.  

In Kali mantra sadhana, the Guru is the most important factor, who controls the raw energy of the goddess. The mantra works on our subtle body.  As a result, one does not get dreams. Negativity is destroyed from the very root. 

Chanting this mantra not only benefits the chanter but also his dear ones.   The mantra improves one’s financial condition immediately, within a few months of well-prepared chanting. One can have visions of the feminine manifestations of Adi Parashakti, not necessarily Kali Devi.  It can be goddess Lakshmi, Saraswati, Durga, or even Lalitha Tripurasundari.  

saraswati laxmi kali

The mantra blesses a childless couple with a strong baby, with a good immune system.  Most prominently, the mantra grants redemption from ghosts and evil spirits.  Mother Kali keeps the chanter away from the shadow of crime, accidents, losses, and misfortune.  Like a mother, she protects the sadhaka from all calamities.  

Not many people know that Mother Kali can bless one with artistic abilities.  She is also known as Kalavati, the repository of all arts, be it dancing, singing, or painting.  Kali is the personification of Kaala or time. So time expands and contracts for the protection of the sadhaka, depending on the will of Devi. Planets govern the decisions, mental state, relationships, financial conditions, and business opportunities of a materialistic man.  

The mantra nullifies the effects of bad planetary position increasing happiness levels.  Kali Devi is full of motherly affection. She appears terrible only to the sinful Asuras and people who do the mantra without a proper understanding of the effects of desire, at the time of chanting. 

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In Kaliyuga, ordinary human beings have asuric qualities.  One need not be gigantic like the Asuras of Satya Yuga.  Today, humans having an excess of lust, anger, pride, greed, attachment, and envy are Asuras.  So pure-hearted souls need not fear her. Mother Kali is very fond of her children.  We should worship the benign and beautiful form of Mother Kali if ever we want to invite auspiciousness to our doorstep. Yet, we must mandatorily consult our Guru before we take up any form of Kali Sadhana. Family disputes shall be reduced.  However, one should constantly chant the mantra daily, after due consultation. 

fight for property

 We see a positive change in our personality. The tendency to back-answer, harbor envy towards one’s peers, and anger issues, shall recede. One’s willpower increases manifolds.This attitude leads to a rise in one’s material standards, which is uncommon as compared to other Vedic Mantras. The mantra provides relief to people suffering from chronic diseases. Some types of material siddhis are also attained, if the mantra is chanted with perfect rules, as per Guru’s instructions.  

One finds good medical support or a physician at the right time as situations begin to improve.Goddess Kali represents the Muladhara chakra. This energy center is associated with our sense of security and family relationships. A disturbed childhood or feeling unloved is a symptom of an unbalanced Muladhar Chakra. Mother Kali fills in the gap with her protective glance if we chant the mantra with sincere feeling.  

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Process of Chanting the Om Kreem Kalikaye Namah Mantra

kali devi

Now I shall cover the process of chanting the Om Kreem Kalikaye Namah Mantra.  But this is only an idea. Kindly follow the instructions of your Guru who is a sadhaka of this mantra. Kamalgutta Mala and Rudraksha Mala are apt for chanting this mantra. 

Place a picture or idol of the mother goddess on a red cloth and seek her blessings. The color of the cloth matters.  Red is considered auspicious because in human perception red is the most vibrant of all colors.  Red is the color of the rising sun as well as our blood.  Light a lamp of mustard oil, offer some sweets to Devi and show Dhoop to Her as a mark of respect.  

Your devotion matters. The Mother goddess reciprocates to a devotee who loves her dearly. Sit on a red-colored asana and start chanting the mantra. One should ideally chant 5 rounds of the mantra daily without fail. The sadhaka should observe celibacy as a compulsory rule. Also, one should not consume non-vegetarian and onion-garlic during this period. Many people say that worship of Kali Devi does not mandate Satvik habits. 

But there are methods where even Kali Devi is worshipped in Ugra Satvik Form, which means fierce but Satvik ways of Tantra. I would recommend a sincere Sadhak to first take shelter of an Authentic Satvik Sadhana Guru and then Practice the Chanting of the Kreem Kalikayai Namah Mantra.

Surrender and Sacrifice is Most Important in The Kreem Kalikayai Namah Mantra Chanting

The material world functions on the basic principle of give and take. Devi is the empress of the material world.  Hence, this rule applies in Devi’s domain as well. Devi sees the extent of our sacrifice and then chooses to bestow her choicest blessings. Food is the toughest thing to sacrifice.  Taste buds are designed in such a way that they hanker for more and more, just like addiction.  The sadhaka who has won over his taste buds has conquered half the battle.  


Even without doing Kali sadhana, our life shall take a 360 degree turn if we exercise control over the tongue. The Tongue and Genitals are connected.  The Sadhaka who eats less has his sexual habits in control.  Hence, these rules are to be observed if one wants to see considerable change in one’s life. 

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