Queen of the Universe: Devi Bhuvaneshwari

bhuvaneshwari devi

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A Warning

This is just an informational video blog. Kindly note that none of the Dasha Mahavidya Sadhana process should be carried out under the orders of a self-realized Tantric Guru who is aware of the intricate details of the sadhana process and adept in rituals and the mood of the paddhati or methodology.

Any error in Tantrik Sadhana can even cause dangers to the life of a sadhaka. So one has to be absolutely certain if one wishes to even think of venturing into this dark path of Tantrik vidhi.

Who is Devi Bhuvaneshwari?

Devi Bhuvaneshwari is the fourth among the Dasha Mahavidyas. She is a potent manifestation of Adi Parashakti, the universal mother. The name Bhuvaneshwari means the queen of the universe.

bhuvaneshwari devi

She sits on a golden throne amidst the solar system and controls success and failure in all our worldly undertakings. Thus, the karmic cycle comes into play at her will and command.


To grant the fruits of our good and bad actions, she has the nine planets, or Nava Grahas, working under her. She runs the universe efficiently using the energies of Lakshmi, Saraswati, and Kali.

The Scriptures know her as Jnana Shakti, the power of wisdom. She is present in every living entity, but in a dormant state. Vrittis, or thought patterns, cloud this light of wisdom. It is Vrittis that become habits. You can watch our video on habits, to know more.

bhuvaneshwari yantra

With Sadhana, when this wisdom awakens within, all doubts and insecurities about life disappear.  The Bhuvaneshwari Yantra resonates with the energy of Bhuvaneshwari Mahavidya.

Devi Bhuvaneshwari nurtures the material universe, becoming both its father and mother.  She is the universe, its residents, and its queen. Thus, the Advaita Siddhanta sums up well regarding Devi Bhuvaneshwari.

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Devi Bhuvaneshwari is the giver of justice, rewards, and punishment. When the residents of this planet look up to her as their queen, Devi responds quickly and appears with minimal effort. The sufferings of the material world is nothing but Devi Bhuvaneshwari’s play, her leisure pastimes.

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Mother Bhuvaneshwari Assisted Lord Shiva


It is said that Lord Rama worshipped Devi Bhuvaneshwari before slaying the demon Ravana. The goddess also assisted Lord Shiva in killing the demon Andhaka. She lent her powers to Bholenath and brought an end to Andhakasura.

 Description of Devi Bhuvaneshwari

The goddess has three eyes that can see the past, present, and future. Just as the moon transits through its various phases, diminishing daily, the crescent moon on her crown reminds us of the world’s impermanence.

devi bhuvaneshwari

The moon also symbolises the varied states of mind.

 The goddess wears grand gold jewellery and heavy earrings, kindling awe in the hearts of her devotees. Collyrium beautifies her large, charming eyes as she beholds her children on Earth. One cannot take one’s eyes off her charming appearance. 

Because of her affinity with Earth, she wears a red or green saree, symbolising soil and grass. Devi Bhuvaneshwari represents the earth element and hence governs the Muladhara Chakra.

Difference Between Lalita Tripura Sundari and Devi Bhuvaneshwari

Goddess Bhuvaneshwari is a replica of Ma Tripurasundari. However, the idea of rulership dominates this manifestation. While Tripura Sundari represents the desire that drives the material world, Ma Bhuvaneshwari represents the concrete material world itself, the fruit of desire.

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 Tripura Sundari is the subtle emotion, while Ma Bhuvaneshwari is the gross reality.  Devi Bhuvaneshwari has a glowing red complexion similar to Lalitha Devi.  Both the goddesses have four hands and wield a noose and an elephant goad.

What does the elephant goad represent?

elephant mahout

In ancient India, Mahauts would control and instruct their elephants using a goad. Elephants represent lust in Sanatana Dharma. To control the sexual urges of their elephants, the Mahauts would use these sharp instruments. The goad in Devi’s hand thus represents restraint on lustful urges, telling her devotees to rise above lowly Vasanas. Thus, her Sadhana can grant permanent freedom from the deep-rooted vice of lust. 

Noose, on the other hand, represents attachment. It is with this noose that the goddess binds the souls in the cycle of birth and death.

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Thus, the population of her universe never depletes and keeps multiplying, with individual souls being born from moment to moment. In fact, the noose is the magical wand that has built Devi’s empire.

Her other two hands are free to bless devotees.

Unlike Devi Kali and Tara Mahavidya, Devi Bhuvaneshwari is soft. She carries less-lethal weapons. Being a queen, her affection is sophisticated and impartial. She gives space to her Sadhakas and wants them to use their free will in the right way.

In many depictions of Goddess Bhuvaneshwari, Lord Shiva is absent. Note that her consort is Tryambak Bhairava. Without his blessings, we cannot please the goddess.

Nature of Devi Bhuvaneshwari

The goddess carries a royal flair and elegance and yet makes herself approachable to the destitute. Just as a king rewards his subjects when pleased, Ma Bhuvaneshwari gives spiritual treasures to those who worship her. Her heart is as huge as her cosmic kingdom.

tantrik guru

But Bhuvaneshwari, as Maya, can both delude and enlighten. It is up to the Sadhaka to demand wisely from the goddess, for she is a wish-fulfilling tree. Hence, the sadhaka needs a self-realised Tantra guru to handhold him at the various stages of the sadhana.

Mahamaya is the supreme teacher, infamous for her strictness. It is her nature to teach stubborn souls the hard way. But when we truly seek her guidance, the goddess helps us realise our spiritual goals and true purpose.

Benefits of the Bhuvaneswari Sadhana

Bhuvaneswari Sadhana brings a macroscopic perspective to life. The Sadhakas become open-minded and value their personal space. They have a far-sighted approach to solving life problems. By Bhuvaneswari Devi’s grace, they develop resilience and leadership qualities.

The Sadhana can also grant positions of command in the material world, most probably as government officials or business heads. Bhuvaneshwari Sadhana rectifies the placement of the nine planets, especially the moon, in one’s horoscope chart. Her grace activates the root chakra. The forces of Nature favour the Sadhaka in attaining his goals.

 Experience during the Bhuvaneshwari Sadhana

 The castle of our preconceived notions crumbles, and we perceive the universe as it is. Since the sadhana shakes our entire conditioning and installs new software in us, the sadhaka may experience delirium or sudden bouts of ecstasy. A serious Sadhaka undergoes a complete rewiring.

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In the final stages, he comes out of the frog’s well and experiences the world in its mighty expanse. The problems of life now seem trivial compared to nature’s perfect plans.

Bhuvaneshwari, the queen of the universe, knows the origins of every atom of her cosmic kingdom. Hence, the goddess connects us to our source. She removes the veil of illusion, revealing her true self when invoked for spiritual growth. Devi becomes our Supreme well-wisher and cuts the ties of attachment, bondage, and suffering.

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