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Science of Karma: What is Karma
Karma is the residue of all our actions that we execute during our lifetime. The thing about Karma is the intention.
When intentions are directed, they add up to the residue which increase the possibility of future reactions within this lifetime and the next. Karma forms the basis of future Karma.

Karma produces life-situations, rewards, punishments, realizations, ignorance, and a lot of life experiences. The Science of Karma is the very basis of life on the material planet. All our life is shaped by Karma alone. The basic fuel to Karma, is intention along with the actions that set these intentions into motion. Every intention creates a seed of Karma in the heart.
Different Types of Karma
Karma is subdivided into three major types namely Sanchita, Prarabdha and Agami or Aprarabdha Karma. Sanchita Karma is the load of Karma that comes to us from previous infinite lifetimes, that we have built from past incarnations through misdirected intentions and accidents. The Sanchita Karma remains as a stock in our consciousness.
A very small part of the Sanchita Karma is converted into Prarabdha Karma which is about to come into fruition in the current lifetime. For example if 100% of Karma is Sanchita Karma 10% of Karma come to fruition as Prarabdha Karma, in this very lifetime. Prarabdha Karma cannot be reversed. This is not the case with Agami and Sanchita Karma.

Out of the 10% of Prarabdha Karma, the average individual, who does not understand the Law of Karma, because of misdirected intention, maybe 3% gets corrected but may add up another 7% because of the uncontrolled vices of Lust, Anger, Greed, Illusion, Self-Pride. Thus, he transfers a total of 14% to the next lifetime.
So, the Agami Karma will have 100-10+14 which is 104%. Thus, The load of Karma for the next lifetime has increased. This is the case usually with every being who transmigrates from one lifetime to another.
Our lives slip from bad to worse from one lifetime to another, just like an avalanche effect. There has to be a way to arrest this. Spirituality is the answer that addresses the Problem of Karma.
The Role of Astrology
In my personal experience, Astrology may be able to tell us our past and even foretell our future, to a great extent. It may even tell us ways of cleaning up or atoning for our sins a little.

But in the end, the effects of all this doing are short-lived, shallow, and heart-breaking. Many times they may become expensive and addictive, like one addicted to drinking and gambling.
Even Astrologers of the highest order, who are Sadhakas of this great science, can do very little about a common man’s problems. This has been my keen observation and study of life, at least investigating the matters of my family, neighbors and my own life.
So, we will not go to the Astrology side much. But first let’s understand what is destiny.
Astrology and Destiny
Then we will see what Karma is and lastly what mantras can do to salvage ourselves. Let’s see whether mantras can really help us and make us masters of our lives.
For example, an A class Astrologer says that I shall lose my job in January 2024, and I will have to suffer. Now, let’s understand the weight of this statement.
Losing my job is destiny.
Knowing our destiny beforehand is useful if I can totally avert it. Alas, 95% of the times, this is not possible.
The rest 5% where, I feel, I can be saved is also a misnomer. In this 5% case, I will lose my job in June 2024 instead of January.
What I get, is worry, starting April 2023 which shall continue till I get a new job, maybe in November 2024 or even February 2025.

So, I suffer close to 2 years, in hope and anticipation, and fear of the future. Thanks to the great science of Astrology.
Even if we spend a fortune doing pujas to avert this danger, it shall not be more than a temporary placebo effect in action. But then lightening shall strike, whether the Astrologer reveals it or not.
This is Destiny. Destiny is caused because of past Karma and no one has a handle to it. It is absolutely unavoidable.
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Science of Karma: Role of Mantras in Destiny
Now, if we go to learn mantras from great sadhaka Gurus who have mastered the science of mantras, they may be able to teach us some mantras that can avert the danger of losing our job in 2024.
But then we shall still be fired in 2026, or we may fall very ill and resign in 2026. So Mantras may work better than astrology. Mantras may play the role better than astrology, especially if the Guru is a siddha.
But still, Karma will hit and may hit hard, if we deserved to be hit. So what mantras do is rearrange the course of events. Let us explore this with a better example.
Mantra and The Bogies of Karma
Karma is like a long train of bogies.
Our thoughts, intentions and will to harm or help will go on adding bogies to the train of Karma, with every passing second. There are some bogies that give good results and some bad ones.
People, who are result oriented should pay attention to this.
When someone desires something out of this world, we try to exploit mantras to get only the good results for our self-centered goals.
When the Guru gives us the process of Mantras, the mantras possess the ability to rearrange the bogies. It will get all the good bogies in front and push the bad bogies behind.

This means something dangerous. A time will come when the good bogies in the form of pleasant experiences come to an end. All we have gained with mantras, rearranging the Karma bogies, will fade away or get exhausted, in due course.
Moreover, when we are only getting rich or doing exceedingly well at a job or getting promotions, with nobody to stop us, or earning millions, it will automatically make us more greedy, calculative and stealthy.
So, during the phase when the Mantras are working, we automatically build bad bogies, which will be tailed towards the end of the good bogies, especially because we are not spiritually grounded.
So, as we are gaining with mantra chanting and good sadhana, our repository of bad Karma is also building up phenomenally.
You cannot trick Karma
A stage will come, for certain, when our mind, attitude, and intentions will be polluted due to growing arrogance, when we think that Mantras are there to support us. But wait, the Mantra Devata is spiritually smart.
When he sees pollution in our heart, he cannot breathe in that stench and leaves our heart. He punishes the Mantra Sadhaka and the Guru, because the Guru had chosen the wrong candidate and allowed him to misuse the Mantra, which is only meant for Bhakti and Moksha.

The Guru is forced to leave and along with him, leaves the mantra. The practitioner then will see the bad bogies manifest. The so-called good days will be over, leaving only the troublesome days towards the end.
In such a bad state it will no longer be possible to continue any more mantra sadhana. The conditions of life will take an ugly turn, making one unfit for any spiritual endeavor whatsoever.
A genuine distaste for Mantra Sadhana is also bound to develop, because now, the erstwhile sadhaka may have seen that sadhana apparently has led him into a lurch. Such will be the level of disillusionment.
A man who spent his days in luxury in his earlier days, will suffer, without knowing why he is suffering.
That Guru, who had satisfied the wish of this greedy and lusty sadhaka, will also suffer, because he has given the mantra to someone who did not deserve the mantra.
Slowly that Guru will also lose his potency and will certainly suffer.
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