Shiva Chalisa: 10 Powerful Benefits

shiva chalisa 10 powerful benefits

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10 Magical Highlights of the Powerful Shiva Chalisa

  • Protection from black magic and evil spirits
  • Overcoming debt and financial relief
  • Blessings for healthy offspring
  • Mental peace and removal of fears
  • Support for overcoming addictions
  • Relief from marital misunderstandings
  • Physical and mental health benefits
  • Spiritual knowledge and dispassion
  • Fulfillment of legitimate desires
  • Pathway to Moksha (liberation)

Lord Shiva is the Lord of Destruction (of All Evil)

Lord Shiva also known as Mahadev is famous as the god of destruction.  Here destruction refers to the removal of evil tendencies such as pride, ego and attachment.  Thus the destruction caused by Lord Shiva initiates positive transformation. 

Who is the Author of Shiva Chalisa

In this video post, I cover interesting facts about Shiva Chalisa along with its benefits. I will also share the process of chanting the Chalisa.  Sage Ayodhya Das wrote the Shiva Chalisa.

The word ‘Chalisa’ is derived from the word ‘Chalees’, which means 40 in Hindi. Hence, the Shiva chalisa consists of 40 esoteric verses adapted from the Shiva Purana, a holy scripture dedicated to Lord Shiva. 

Shiva Chalisa Pleases Bholenath

The Shiva Chalisa is a wonderful way to please Bholenath, or the Lord who is easily pleased. Lord Shiva lives like an ascetic.  A crescent moon adorns his forehead and he wears serpents as earrings. 

ganga from shiva's hair locks

The forceful river Ganga gushes forth from his matted hair.  A garland of heads sways on his chest and he looks majestic clad in tiger hide.  The Lord holds a mighty trident that never misses its aim.  Thus, Lord Shiva’s saintly yet heroic appearance captivates the hearts of Nagas and rishis. 

His beauty lies in his child-like innocence and ever-forgiving glance.  Towards his left side, stands his consort, Parvati, the daughter of Maina and Himavan. 


One can ideally recite the Uma Maheshwara Stotram to please the divine couple. 

Watch our video titled Benefits of Uma Maheswara Stotram | Significance of Uma Maheshwara Stotram 

The Greatness of Bhagawan Shiva

Lord Shiva appears like a blooming lotus amidst the ocean of his associates, such as Nandi and son Ganesha. Out of compassion, Lord Shiva sent his son Kartikeya to slay the demon Tarakasura and thus redeem the Devatas. 

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Also, he slew the tyrants Jalandhar, Tripurasura, Lava and Nimesh, delighting Bhoomi Devi.  Lord Shiva is the deity of Rishis and seekers of knowledge. Both his sons Lord Ganesha and Kartikeya appear extraordinarily charming on his lap. 

Lord Shiva has a generous heart.

shiva drinking halahal

He drank the Halahala poison smilingly, saving the world from the fatal venom. Thus, Nelakantha or the one with a blue throat, is ever-ready to embrace the troubles of his devotees.  There is yet another instance where Lord Shiva blessed Sri Rama with the boon of victory. 

For complete protection, chanting the Ram Raksha Stotram is ideal.Watch our video titled Benefits of Rama Raksha Stotram | How to Recite Ram Raksha Stotra shown below. 

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Why did Lotus Eyed Sri Rama try to Offer His Eyes To Lord Shiva

To defeat Ravana, Lord Rama decided to offer him a thousand lotuses.  However, Lord Shiva mysteriously hid one of the lotus flowers to test his devotion.  At that time, Lord Rama was about to pluck his lotus-shaped eye. 

sri rama offers lotus to shiva lingam

Lord Shiva immediately appeared before Sri Rama and blessed Him with victory. 

Why did Lord Shiva (Mahadev) punish Lord Yamaraj

Once, Mahadev punished Yamaraja, for binding his devotee Markandeya with the terrible noose.  Who can remain unmoved by the compassion of Lord Shiva? 

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Immediate Benefits of Chanting The Shiva Chalisa

Reciting Shiva Chalisa invites the mighty trident to slay our inner enemies.  Usually astrologers recommend chalisas and stotram as Pariharam or astrological remedy. Instead of worrying about our personal problems, we should chant for the pleasure of the Lord alone.

He shall then resolve all our problems.  Mahadev knows our defects better. Why not depend on Him for our emancipation?  Through the chalisa, the chanter trusts Lord Shiva more than his worldly relatives. Reciting the Chalisa on Mahashivratri gives untold benefits

Can Shiva Chalisa give Moksha?

Lord Shiva blesses the chanter with a blissful life, free of worries and tensions.  The recitation of Shiva Chalisa grants Moksha, the ultimate aim of life. 

A sincere chanter of the Shiva chalisa never faces financial difficulties.  Lord Shiva provides monetary support through miraculous ways. He also fulfills spiritual desires, granting knowledge, dispassion and devotion.  Lord Shiva helps the chanter in times of need, fulfilling all legitimate desires. 

solves money problems

Lord Shiva destroys misery and removes material and spiritual obstacles.  A person drowned in debt becomes debt-free and feels unburdened by the mercy of Lord Shiva.  Couples desirous of obtaining a son are blessed with a bonny baby. 

How can we Receive Blessings of Lord Shiva

Negative thoughts and fears clear away. Also, the recitation helps overcome drug, alcohol, cigarettes and tobacco addiction. Devotees can conduct a homam on the day of Trayodashi to receive the blessings of Lord Shiva. Fasting on Trayodashi keeps the body disease free and mind tension free.

How Can Marital Problems Be Solved In Kaliyuga?

black magic

Chanting the Shiv Chalisa grants protection from black-magic, curses, evil spirits and nightmares. It also helps resolve marital misunderstandings bringing peace and harmony in the household. Pregnant women should chant the Shiva Chalisa for the safety of the fetus and also instill moral values during the feotal development stage. 

What is the Process of Chanting the Shiva Chalisa?

Now I shall cover the process of chanting Shiva Chalisa.  It is important to observe dietary restrictions if at all we want to attain spiritual heights.  In the Shiva Chalisa Sadhana, the devotee should stop consuming non veg and stick to a pure sattvik diet. It is best to omit onion-garlic since they are pungent foods and increase lustful tendencies during Sadhana. 

Can our Eating Habits Destroy our Spiritual Powers

All the spiritual powers attained go down the drain due to unrestrained food habits.  The sincere devotee should then install a deity or photo of Lord Shiva in the temple altar.  My advice is to also keep a photo of Ram Darbar near Shivji as Sri Rama is very dear to Lord Shiva.

Hence, I recommend chanting one round of Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram before reciting Shiv Chalisa. Watch our video titled Benefits of Chanting Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram | Shri Ram Jay Ram Jay Jay Ram Mantra Benefits to know. 

Chanting this mantra pleases Lord Shiva greatly and he blesses us with the treasure of devotion.  We should light a sandalwood dhoop and a ghee-lamp to create a holy ambience. 

shiva bhakti

Thereafter, offer Naivedyam. Recite the Shiva Chalisa with all faith to attract the grace of Lord Shiva. Chanting the Shiva Chalisa destroys the sins of countless lifetimes and strengthens our bond with Shankara. 

It forms a two-way communication where Lord Shiva starts conversing with the reciter filling his heart with love and gratitude. Thereafter, the Lord takes full charge of the devotee ensuring his physical, mental and emotional well-being. 

The fortunate devotee who recites the chalisa 40 times everyday, attains Shivlok where he eternally serves Mahadev as His favorite.

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