Sudarshana Ashtakam: 5 Transformative Benefits

sudarshan ashtakam

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Transformative Benefits of Sudarshana Ashtakam

  • Grants strength and spiritual aura
  • Protects from black magic and enemies
  • Enhances inner purity and Dharma
  • Ensures financial stability and prosperity
  • Leads to Vaikuntha and Moksha

What does Sudarshana in Sudarshana Ashtakam Mean?

‘Su’ in Sanskrit Means, auspicious, while ‘Darshana’ means sight.  Hence, going by the literal meaning, Sudarshana enables us to see that, which is auspicious and sublime. It also means the one with an auspicious appearance. Both are correct.  

Paraphernalia of Sriman Narayana embody Bhagawan

All the paraphernalia of Narayana such as, Shankha, Chakra, Gada and Padma have life and emotions. They are not merely weapons, but the very body of Bhagavan. We should realize that in the Spiritual world, all non-sentient items serve the lord in the mood of Shanta Rasa, or tranquility.  You may know about the 4 Rasas through this interesting article : 4 Rasas:You Must Know About Bhakti

It is interesting to note that the three brothers of Lord Rama- Lakshman, Bharat and Shatrughna were in fact the incarnations of Sheshnag, Chakra and Shankh.  Bharat was the incarnation of the Sudarshana Chakra, the topic on which today’s video post  is based on. When Lord Vishnu exhibits paternal affection and becomes protective towards his devotees, he invokes the Sudarshana.  


Invoking the Energy of Sri Sudarshana

I would like to mention the incident when the Sudarshana Chakra chased Durvasa Muni to protect the devout king Ambarisha. However, the Sudarshana may become extremely harsh when executing commands. Its intense heat and brilliance cannot go unmissed as they are an intrinsic part of this divine weapon.  When we invoke the energy of Sudarshana, its characteristics manifest in our own selves.  

Hence the sadhaka should take precautions by drinking plenty of water during the recitation, else, he may develop heat boils or ulcers. Kindly take special care especially during summer.  The Aditya Hridaya Stotram is similar in properties to the Sudarshana Ashtakam.  You may find our video on the benefits of Aditya Hrudayam Stotram interesting.  

Vedanta Desikan the Author of Sudarshana Ashtakam

Most of us know Sudarshana as a discus that revolves to kill demons.  But few know Sudarshana has a sixteen handed form holding 16 different weapons in his hands.  He is a living deity. Now, let us know about the author of the Sudarshana Ashtakam and the benefits associated with the recitation.  Long ago a place in South India called Tirupputkuzhi was struck by epidemic fever.  All the residents came in the grip of this dangerous epidemic.  

vedanta desikan

To relieve their suffering, Swami Vedanta Desikan of Sri Vaishnava Sampradaya composed the Sudarshana Ashtakam. To everyone’s surprise the epidemic vanished.  Swami Desikan also known as Venkatanatha composed the hymn prior to a debate with a scholar of another leading Sampradaya. Shortly after, He emerged victorious. 

Swami Desikan then established the supremacy of Sriman Narayana in the assembly of scholars.  Another leading exponent of the Sri Vaishnava Sampradaya was Prativadhi Bhayankaram Annan.  He composed a beautiful hymn called the Venkateswara Suprabhatam.  

prativadhi bhayankaram annan

Vedanta Desikan has glorified the Sudarshana to great depth.  Words fall short to describe his profound knowledge on the Vaishnava doctrine.  The Sudarshana Ashtakam describes the structure of the Sudarshana Yantra bringing in the yantra’s potency as well.

The divine discus of Bhagavan protects devotees from Asuras. Earlier, asuras were gigantic demons who caused havoc in hermitages. But in Kali Yuga, they have taken a subtler form.  Now, they stay in man’s heart as lust, pride, anger, greed and envy.  For a deeper understand of the six vices, watch our video titled Teachings of Sanatana Dharma | Why are we Unhappy in Life? 

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Kalyana Gunas of the Sudarshana Chakra

Sudarshana Chakra represents six core qualities known as Kalyana Gunas. These six Kalyana Gunas manifest in the reciter.  They are Knowledge, Power, Strength, Wealth, Heroism, and Effulgence.  Confidence and soul power increases.

Lord Sudarshana creates a spiritual aura around the sadhaka who preserves the power of sadhana. It is important that a sadhaka maintains continence or celibacy as an important criteria while taking up the sadhana of this great Ashtakam. Sudarshana Ashtakam also protects one from illness, evil-intentions, black magic and enemies. As a result, one will not feel energy drain.  

sudarshan chakra protection

Sadhaka overcomes all obstacles in his material and spiritual life.  Since Sudarshana Chakra is dynamic and keeps moving, he brings Sattvik activities into our lives. One performs Seva towards cows and sadhus and gets completely engaged in serving Bhagawan. Ideally, devotees recite this stotram in their homes for relief from illness, fever, pain and accidents. 

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The Sudarshana Ashtakam Grants Prosperity 

If pleased, Lord Sudarshana fulfills all wishes of the Sadhaka that are in line with Dharma and the plans of his Ishtadev Sriman Narayana. One prospers financially.  Lord Sudarshana burns duplicity and deception in the sadhaka’s character bringing child-like innocence in one’s persona. As a result, we become very dear to our eternal parents Lakshmi-Narayana. Those who wholeheartedly worship Lord Sudarshana escape the clutches of Maya and attain Vaikuntha. This happens for certain.  

Sudarshana Ashtakam Grants us Vaikuntha without fail


The Lord is thrilled when we serve his devotees. So, I recommend Sudarshana Sadhana.  Lord Sudarshana reveals knowledge of Sriman Narayana and the personal bond He shares with the Lord to the sincere Sadhaka. By his recommendation, we secure a place near the lotus feet of Lord Vishnu and attain Moksha. 

Rules for Chanting Sudarshana Ashtakam 

Since we are invoking the divine energy of Lord Vishnu, the sadhaka must observe celibacy at all costs.  One should also observe some dietary restrictions by renouncing non-vegetarian and onion-garlic.  Consuming intoxicants and smoking is a big no no for reciters of the Ashtakam or else one can witness unfavorable conditions in one’s life. In Vishnu Sadhana that includes praises of Lord Sudarshana, these rules are compulsory. 

However, to make life easier, I recommend taking a sankalpa of 7, 21 or 41 days and following the rules we discussed for that stipulated period.  Then the sadhaka can take a break of 7 days in the middle.  And again take up another cycle of 7, 21, or 41 days. 

This process should continue lifelong or depend on the instructions of one’s spiritual master.  Sometimes, the extreme heat and intensity of Lord Sudarshana may not suit all sadhakas.  But one may have the desire to perform Sudarshana Sadhana.  At such times, one should consult his guru. Therein lies the betterment of the sadhaka.  

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