The Benefits of the Vishnu Sahasranama

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Origins of the Vishnu Sahasranama

In this video post, we shall discuss about the greatness and benefits of the Vishnu Sahasranama. We find Vishnu Sahasranama in the great epic Mahabharata which was written by Rishi Veda Vyasa.

bheeshma and yudhishthira

Bhishma Deva to Yudhishthira Maharaja initially recited this great hymn. After the Kurukshetra war ended, the Pandavas along with Sri Krishna visited Bhishma Deva, who lay on the bed of arrows. Being a Yogi, Bhishma Deva knew the characteristics of the Supreme Lord.

One should always inquire abut the Lord and His pastimes froma pure devotee. Bhishma Deva was one such pure devotee of the Lord.

Hence, Yudhishthira Maharaja humbly inquired from Bhishma Pitamaha who was the greatest of gods, and what His attributes were. Bhishma Deva looked towards Sri Krishna who was present there and started the recitation of the Vishnu Sahasranama.

Since Bhishma Deva was an enlightened being, every word of his was pregnant with the knowledge of the entire universe. Thus, the one who recites the Vishnu Sahasranama with utter devotion gets liberated from the cycle of birth and death.

Sahasra means 1000, and Nama means names.

Some Benefits of the Vishnu Sahasranama

The recitation of these 1000 names of Lord Vishnu is the fastest and easiest way to reach the Lord. There are innumerable benefits of chanting this Stotram.

It allows one to grow both materially and spiritually. People who chant this Stotram with a motive to improve their financial status will highly benefit from it. You should watch the video Lakshmi Mantra for Wealth and Prosperity | Benefits of Chanting Laxmi Mantra that appears on our channel.

One should be Careful before Invoking Laxmi Devi

Goddess Laxmi, the personification of wealth and prosperity is the eternal consort of Maha Vishnu. Many people directly chant her Beeja Mantras, to become prosperous. A devotee who ignores Vishnu Sadhana cannot please Devi Laxmi .

laxmi narayana vishnu sahasranama

Even if one gets the benefit of wealth by performing Laxmi Sadhana, the reciter will never find peace. One should not reach out to her alone. Without Lord Vishnu, Laxmiji is incomplete. Even if the reciter chants the Vishnu Sahasranama with sincerity it will guarantee both Peace and Prosperity as one unit.

Blessings of Sri Laxmi Vishnu destroy the Asuras of the Mind

This Stotram can even cure insomnia and sleep-related problems. An unhealthy mind can cause bad dreams and insomnia. Just like a Ghost wanders from one place to another without finding peace, the mind wanders from one thought to another without finding stability and contentment.

Sages compare such a mind to an Asura. Lord Vishnu is the destroyer of the Asuras, and hence, chanting the Vishnu Sahasranama eradicates all the negativity and evils from the mind, thus, making the mind a reflection of our pure soul.


People who suffer from marriage-related problems can also benefit from the recitation of Vishnu Sahasranama. According to our Puranas, Sri Vishnu and Laxmi Devi are the ideal couple. Without their blessings, it is not possible for any married or unmarried person to be happy.

The Vishnu Sahasranama is beneficial to Children

Lord Vishnu and Devi Laxmi are our universal parents; hence, reciting this Stotram daily, even benefits childless couples. This Stotram is a child-friendly mantra.

Children and adults, both can recite it. Children who struggle in their studies or have learning hardships or disabilities should recite the Vishnu Sahasranama. They will gradually improve, and the reciter can gain the brilliance of Surya.

Every parent should introduce the Vishnu Sahasranama to their child at an early age. The child will become more responsible, obedient, and spiritual. It is important to build our own character before we attend to our children.

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Some Major Benefits of the Stotram

The reciter of this Stotram will inherit all godly qualities. The Light of wisdom and divinity will reflect in the chanter’s face. One shall even wiggle out of work stress and business problems.

Business shall flourish, and starters will progress. The reciter becomes more confident, peaceful, and dynamic. One not only excels in material life but also gets inclined towards spirituality.

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The Mind becomes calmer and more observant. The person will not find meditation difficult and will like to spend more time in solitude. One will lead a long and happy life.

Process of Reciting the Vishnu Sahasranama

Even, after this life of Vishnu Sadhana, the reciter shall surely reach the eternal Abode of Maha Vishnu and never return to this material world to suffer. Let us now discuss the method to recite the Vishnu Sahasranama.

Get up early at 4:00 or 5:00 am, which is the Brahma Muhurta time. Any time, before 9:00 AM is also good enough, considering modern life challenges. The recitation of the Vishnu Sahasranama during the Brahma Muhurta can prove highly beneficial.

meditation and spiritual progress

Recitation is more important. The time of recitation is less important. If one finds it difficult to get up early in the morning, then the reciter should chant the Sahasranama before going to sleep.

It is advisable to take a bath and then start the recitation. However, you can wash your mouth, hands, and feet, alternately. Keep a Vishnu photo in the east direction and sit in front of it on a woollen Asana. Rupa Dhyana is a magnificient way to invoke the Grace of the Lord.

rupa dhyana

There is no specific dress to focus on as you prepare to chant this mantra. Yet, wearing a yellow dress is good. Yellow is the favourite color of Lord Vishnu. You can also keep a water vessel with some fruits or any yellow sweet as Bhoga in front of the Vishnu photo.

After the recitation of the entire Vishnu Sahasranama, you can distribute and consume the Prasad. But before you begin the recitation, take a Kamandalu and take a Sankalpa or an oath to chant Vishnu Sahasranama daily without fail, for 21 days.

This Sankalpa will ensure quick benefits. However, I suggest one should not chant this mantra with any desire. Our Shastras have glorified the importance of selfless devotion. Sri Hari or Maha Vishnu involves himself with the life of a devotee who desires nothing.

One’s karma decreases, resulting in a peaceful life. Desire causes Karma, and because of karma one suffers sorrow and dismay.

The best way to approach Sri Hari Vishnu is through unalloyed love. Let me give you the example of Dhruva and Prahalad Maharaja.

A Brief Story About Dhruva Maharaj

Dhruva Maharaja was only 5 years old when he left his palace to get the darshan of Sri Vishnu. Under the guidance of Narada muni, Dhruva maharaja meditated for 6 months at a stretch without food and water.

Lord Vishnu appeared in front of Dhruva Maharaja and blessed him. But if we look deeper, the real reason behind Dhruva Maharaja’s penance was the desire to get the right to sit on his father Uttanapad’s lap. However, Prahalad Maharaja was a born Bhakta.

Narada Muni here again guided Prahalad Maharaja, when he was in the womb of his mother Kayadu. Although he faced opposition from his father Hiranyakashipu, Prahalad Maharaja remained steadfast towards Sri Vishnu with no desire. Lord Vishnu himself appeared as Narasimha and slew the demon Hiranyakashipu and saved Prahalad Maharaja.

If we look closer, we shall find that even if we remain focused during our sadhana, there cannot be a desire that triggers sadhana. A desireless sadhana will last longer when compared to the sadhana performed by a person with desire.

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