The Best Rama Sadhana Moola Mantra

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Fundamentals of the Rama Moola Mantra

Ram Ramaya Namah is called the Ram Moola Mantra. Many teachers have not given specific rules to chant this powerful Beeja mantra and proclaim that everybody is qualified to chant this mantra.

sri rama sadhana

Based on my personal 35 plus years of mantra sadhana Grace and Blessings, Gurudeva instructs one cannot chant this mantra without prior qualification, all by oneself. Lord Rama is the governing deity of the mantra, and Ram is the Beeja. This mantra is the Taraka Brahma mantra. It works like the Brahmastra.

Origins of the Rama Moola Mantra

But, one should chant this mantra only once one’s mind has become completely pure, and the Guru has qualified the sadhaka and given him/her Deeksha, to do Samaj Seva and work for the higher good of humankind, as part of his/her eternal higher sadhana process.

hindu guru

Lord Rama revealed this mantra for the very first time to his consort, Sita Devi. Srimati Sita Devi who adores Lord Hanuman as her child, initiated him into this mantra. This is one of the most powerful Beeja mantras I have come across and in terms of Power and efficacy, since I have also taken initiation into it many years ago. Another Nama mantra which is equally effective is the Seeta Ram Hanuman mantra, which I keep chanting.

Do watch our video on Seeta Ram Hanuman Mantra

This Rama Moola mantra finds mention in the Rama Tapaniyo Upanishad. Lord Brahma, Sage Vashishtha, Parashara muni, Vyasa and Shukracharya received this through Guru Parampara System. Finally, Shukracharya initiated Jagadguru Ramananda Acharya into this mantra who is the incarnation of Lord Rama Himself.

Differences between Sri Rama and Sri Krishna

The Mantra Om Ram Ramaya Namaha means

 I bow to Lord Rama who brings happiness, peace and fulfillment Essentially, the name Rama itself is called the Taaraka mantra. Just like Sri Rama’s character, His name is straightforward. Lord Rama stands straight looking into the devotee’s eye.

sri rama krishna

Lord Krishna stands in three bent posture known as Tribhanga. His name is also difficult to pronounce because of the Ri mantra in His Nama, and he looks at his devotee with a side glance. Lord Krishna’s character thus has multiple hues; however, Lord Rama is as straight as a stick.

Benefits of the Rama Mantra

So it is very easy to please Him. But, Lord Rama also looks at the Dharma aspect. If you are following your Dharma, Lord Rama is pleased. Lakshmi devi waits to enter your doorstep.

The mantra fulfills unfinished tasks and grants Karya-Siddhi if chanted by a soul, who has lost all the sense of mine-ness and working for higher good, having given up working for himself. An addict can get rid of his addictions.

drug abuse

It helps you attain the four aims of life, which are Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. You get answers to your doubts internally even without having to express it. Chanting this mantra also invites the grace of mother Sita, and Lord Hanuman. Just like, when we cuddle a baby,its mother gets happy, Lord Hanuman becomes pleased when we praise Lord Rama and the same goes with Mother Sita. This mantra increases the Teja or brilliance in our body.

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Why cannot Everyone chant the Moola Mantra Without Restrictions

If an unqualified person chants this mantra, his body temperature can increase and may get high fever, because of energy blocks in his system because of negative emotions. So one can never undertake the sadhana of this mantra without the direct instructions of a perfect Guru.

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But when a qualified person chants this mantra, it exhibits the flair of richness and ease. The consciousness of a person with totally purified consciousness gains tremendously when he takes the mantra from a qualified Guru.

Complete Selflessness through the Moola Mantra

His consciousness attains newer heights which adds to his persona and reach. Such a person attains complete selflessness which increases his energy body by leaps and bounds. The Mantra keeps diseases away provided you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

However, the chanting should be continuous- wherever you are, your tongue should repeat His name, not just limited to the Sadhana time, of course this applies only to people initiated into the mantra. The mantra is short and simple and does not involve twisting of the tongue.

Breakdown of the Moola Mantra

In Yoga, Ra represents the solar energy generating heat in the body. It flows through the Pingala Nadi on the right side of our spinal cord. Remember to keep yourself hydrated during Rama mantra sadhana.

ida pingala

Ra thus represents masculine energy. To maintain a balance, Ma represents the lunar energy. It flows into the Ida Nadi on the left side of the spinal cord. It is feminine. The wife usually sits to the left of her husband. Thus Ida finds its place on the left side of our spinal cord while Pingala on the right side.

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Process of Chanting Sri Rama’s Mantra

Now I shall tell you how to chant the mantra-

You can chant this mantra at your home, Hanuman temple or Shiva temple, after due initiation. Select the nearest auspicious day in the calendar, such as Rama Navami, Navaratri, Ekadashi or Diwali to begin your sadhana.

One should use either Lotus Bead, Chandan or Sandalwood Beads or Tusli Beads for chanting. A person committed to service of fellow men, can get his work done, by chanting regularly on Chandan Bead Mala. For attaining all the knowledge of the universe, the ideal candidate should use Tulsi beads.

For all other purposes, the initiated candidate should use Lotus Beads. Watch our video on Sakam and Nishkam Bhakti to know why having No desires is a superior state. Shiva Bhaktas can use Rudraksha Mala, if they are not married or following Brahmacharya.

By Shiva Bhaktas I mean those who are initiated by Shaivite gurus and have undergone the due purification process. As I said earlier, the mantra requires initiation and the guidance of a guru.

Keep an idol of Lord Rama or a photo of the Rama Darbar in front of you. There are no dress colour restrictions; however saffron colour is most suitable. Light a pure ghee lamp for the Lord and offer dry fruits as Archana. Do not forget to add a Tulsi leaf on it, with drops of water. Before starting your sadhana, think of your guru, Lord Ganesha and Lord Hanuman.

Then only shall your sadhana fructify.

Thereafter take a sankalpa telling the lord the purpose of your sadhana. Chant five rounds of the mala (i.e -108 x 5 chants) for six months without missing a single day. Obstacles will come to test you, but you have to remain steadfast. This is the only way.

You shall see genuine changes only after the stipulated time period. There are some lifestyle restrictions as well.

Since Lord Rama is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, he does any help or support devotees consuming non-veg and onion garlic or involved with any form of Gambling. I want to clarify that in the modern context investing in shares is also a type of gambling. So the devotee has to mold himself to the liking of his Ishta Devata.

Also, no smoking, alcohol and addictive substances. Maintain this self-restraint for 6 months at least, after receiving initiation. One can only have an association with one’s wife for producing god-conscious progeny and not for sense enjoyment.

This should be the approach of any grihastha chanting any Sattvic Mantra such as the Rama Moola Mantra.

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