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Living entities are different from non-living things, due to the presence of consciousness.
A Fact: Negative people are 99.99% of the time Unconscious
Among living entities, there are similarities and differences that qualify certain people as superior and certain others as inferior. This inferiority is not based on bodily identifications of caste, creed, race or gender. Inferiority just alludes towards the vibrations a certain person is emitting from his persona, depending on what one is harboring in his or her mind.
This is the point of reference that defines negativity. For example, a person may feel drained after speaking to or interacting with an individual, as if that individual is an energy vampire. Such an unconscious individual is reffered to as a negative individual.

All living beings, including humans, perform basic survival activities like eating, sleeping, mating, and defending. Once, the lifespan comes to an end, the individual dies.
So, the Vedic Texts say, that if this is the only course of life, then the living entity, unconsciously experiences slumber. When life becomes an automatic process, governed by instincts, the individual becomes unconscious or is said to be sleeping even in an apparent conscious state. These individuals are essentially negative compared to, in the scriptures as “Walking Dead men”.
1st Sign of Unconscious Negative People
They cannot differentiate between needs and desires. Needs stands for basic necessity depending on the class of people. A person may be born with certain aminities, if the person is satisfied with whatever he has got and simply maintains himself, that individual is said to be satisfying needs.
On the other hand, a person always desiring for higher materialistic attainments is usually on the lookout of a possible prey wherby he is able to satisfy his base instincts of so-called growth and affluence. However, a person who is born affluent and able to maintain his affluence without any excess effort, without a growing desire to maintain himself on higher pedestals is essentially a man of needs and not a man of wants.

Simply put, a person desiring “more” and “more” is verily a negative individual. He can be manipulative and non-ethical in his own way.
In the spree of satisfying desire, the individual undergoes various mental alterations. He experiences various moods. The various moods, based on their predominant characteristic are Satvic (Mode of Goodness), Rajasic (Mode of Passion), and Tamasic (Mode of Ignorance). These three moods occur when the living entity is awake. But, most times, the unmindful individual accepts these changes inertly. A negative person, most of the time oscillates between Rajasic and Tamasic modes of nature. Such a person is unable to see beyond the lens of negativity.
Best Crystal to Become Mindful, Positive, and Calm
It is indeed Selenite.
Selenite is a transparent-looking stone, which is best used for increasing mindfulness. If you are familiar with meditation, you would have come across Selenite stone several times.
Every person recommends this stone to wipe away negative vibrations from yourself and your home. It is as simple as placing this in front of your main door as well as one near your back door. This prevents you from carrying negative vibrations. It dispels negativity from your surroundings.

However, some people find, selenite pendants to be a better mood moderator than just keeping them in a corner of the house. But, things work differently for different people. It is the best crystal for meditators. The advantages include the clearing of negative thoughts and undesirable vibrations. Boosting confidence and overall energy levels.
I recommend individuals seeking inner growth seek a guide who infuses the right value systems. These value systems can only be harnessed when a seeker meets his guide, putting to rest all his wants at the feet of such a guide also known as the Guru in Sanatana Dharma. Seeking and Trusting a sincere Guru is far better than taking recourse to crystals or any such material, that may induce cunter results if not consumed in the right spirit or guidance. On the other hand, a Guru shall be able to guide a seeker in all walks of life.
Test your Alignment with the Spiritual Subject Matter (only 7-8 Questions)
The scores generated in this Quiz are relative. There are no right or wrong answers. A percentage towards 100 indicates that you are more aligned to the overall subject matter.
2nd Sign of Unconscious Negative People
They experience sudden mood changes and small things in life affect them severely. Now, a conscious living entity has control over his waking state, because of which he can maintain peace in his dreaming and deep sleep states. But, unmindful and unconscious living entities cannot control their contaminated minds. They become susceptible to negative vibrations. They lose control over their waking state. because of which they have disturbed sleep, troubled, by wants, inhabitations, unworthy desires, and goals.

3rd Sign of Negative People
The 3rd sign of Unconscious people is that they have sleeping disorders like Insomnia due to negative, compulsive thoughts. They have disturbed sleep and often encounter nightmares. An evident sign of negative people is that they are more fearful than most people. They go on future rides and tend to imagine the worst of the worst situations. They imagine too many hypothetical situations and induce themselves to wrong actions, due to which an unforseen debacle is manufactured and presented to such individuals.
A living entity lives and dies, it enters the heavens, the lower planets such as the hells, and then appears once again on the earthly platform. These cyclic events, which involve no conscious effort, are considered to be like sleep. This is because one has not woken up to the Paramatma who operates within the living entity.
Vedic Scriptures on Unconscious People
The Vedic texts compare the unconscious beings on earth with the fish in water. Though the fish is meant to stay in the water, it comes to its surface on and off. Similarly, the unconscious men keep wandering mindlessly because they are unaware of the Atman who is seated within themselves. They meet failure in every endeavor just because they are searching in the wrong place. Rather than seeking within, they seek from the world, just like the fish.

Though unconscious people seem to have their eyes open, they’re compared to the fish, while asleep. Fish is known to sleep with their eyes open. Unconscious negative beings though awake like the fish asleep, keep wandering.
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