Benefits of Narasimhadev’s Karavalamba Stotram

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The Fierce Form of Lord Vishnu is Narasimhadev

Out of the Dash avatar, Sri Narasimhadev is the most ferocious avatar of Lord Vishnu. We mostly see Lord Vishnu as calm and soothing. However, Narasimhadev is protective and fiery. Among the seventy-four different forms of Narasimha Bhagavan, 10 are the most prominent. Many quote that 9 are most important.

nava narasimhadev

Lakshmi Narasimhadev is one of them. In this form, Lakshmi Devi sits on his lap. Sages recommend worship of the Lakshmi Narasimhadev form as it balances both the masculine and feminine energy in the human body. Now let us see the story behind the origin of the Lakshmi Narasimha Karavalamba Stotram.

Story Behind The Lakshmi Narasimha Karavalamba Stotram

Once, Adi Shankara defeated a scholar named Mandan Mishra in a debate. However, his wife Bharati challenged him on questions related to family life. Sri Shankaracharya was a celibate.

sri shankaracharya

He knew little about life in marriage. So he performed Para kaya Pravesha which means entering another person’s body. Sanatanis have demonstrated this science for ages. However, material science still hesitates to accept this phenomenon.

While strolling in a forest, Shankara beheld the corpse of a king named Amaruka. He entered his body and analysed family life and sexual pleasures. However, he did not indulge in any sexual activity whatsoever, since he was a Naishthika Sanyasi, one who has never indulged in sex ever.

mandan mishra

Thereafter he returned to his own body and answered Bharati’s questions with great precision and thus won the debate. However, because of a delay in Para kaya Pravesha, there was a decay of his original body’s feet and hands.

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So, he composed this great hymn Lakshmi Narasimha Karavalamba and got his organs restored. Our video titled Maya according to Shankaracharya | Advaita Vedanta and Teachings of Gaudapada may interest you. Adi Shankaracharya composed the Stotram in order to please and appease Lord Narasimhadev.

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Some Benefits of Chanting the Lakshmi Narasimha Karavalamba Stotram

Lakshmi Narasimha Karavalamba Stotram contains 17 verses each ending with the refrain- 

Lakshmi Narasimha, Mama Devi Karavalambam which means Oh Lakshmi Narasimhadev embrace me with your hands and give me protection. The regular recitation of the Stotram makes the home peaceful and reduces angry outbursts.

angry outbursts

The Stotram works subtly granting courage, self-confidence, and fearlessness. It protects one from enemies and the ill effects of planets. It works like a shield protecting one from black magic and talismanic danger. Lord Narasimhadev guides one to take the right decisions in life removing all obstacles from the path of a sincere sadhaka.

The Lord rushed to protect his devotee Prahalad Maharaj.

Although we cannot compare ourselves to Prahalad Maharaj, if we cry to Him prayerfully, He shall definitely send help. Know that the sole purpose of chanting the Stotram is freedom from the cycle of Birth and death. However, the Stotram fulfills all desires of the devotees ultimately taking them to the spiritual abode of Vaikuntha.


Lakshmi Narasimhadev Karavalamba Stotram is a heartfelt prayer relevant to people coming from all walks of life. Children and adults both can chant this prayer to attract the mercy of Lakshmi Narasimhadev.

The specialty of this prayer is that it is Niswarth or selfless devotion to the deity. The other benefits come as a subsidiary.

You may like to watch our video titled What is Sakaam Bhakti and Nishkama Bhakti? | Two Types of Bhakti | Sabari and Ram story to know more interesting facts.

Rules for Reciting the Lakshmi Narasimha Karavalamba Stotram

Lord Narasimhadev is very ferocious. People who cannot express themselves because of fear of judgment, develop great speaking skills, as Lord Narasimhadev guides you. Drink lots of water during Narasimhadev Sadhana as He represents the fire element.

Also, eat vegetarian food cooked without onion and garlic for the Stotram to work. Our Rishis advise us to carry out the recitation under the guidance of an Acharya. Now, we shall analyze the Stotram for deeper insight into its benefits.


Adi Shankaracharya invokes Lord Narasimhadev by describing His beauty, residence, His paraphernalia, and His power to uplift the sadhaka from the mighty ocean of Samsara. Alongside, he praises the enchanting form of Lord Vishnu and His various incarnations.

The Stotram also contains rich metaphors that describe worldly existence. For example- there is a description of desires as a lion,  day-to-day life as dark forests, competition as scorching heat, miseries as serpents, the world as a dangerous and deep well, black deadly crocodiles as time, waves as passion, worldly attachments as rope, senses as thieves and honey as the lotus feet of Lakshmi Narasimhadev.

The Lakshmi Narasimha Karavalamba is thus an esoteric explanation of the plight of an individual soul suffering his Karma. Regular recitation of the Stotram thus redeems one from all physical, mental, and emotional trauma. Now I shall cover how to chant the Lakshmi Narasimha Karavalamba Stotram.

Process to Recite the Lakshmi Narasimha Karavalamba Correctly

Keep an idol or photo of lord Narasimhadev in front of you. Before chanting the Stotram, utter the Ugram Veeram mantra. You may find our video titled Benefits of Chanting Ugram Veeram | How to Chant Narasimha Mantra helpful.

lord ganesha

Offer a Tulsi garland to Narasimhadev Bhagavan and light a ghee lamp by your side. Think about Lord Ganesha and Guru before starting the recitation. Keep a Kalasha by your side for Aachaman. There are no rigid rules for chanting the Stotram.

Just have a simple heart. That suffices to draw His grace.

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