Kundalini Shakti: Secrets of Awakening
Kundalini Shakti is the basis of all life. Devi Gayatri is the direct representation of Kundalini Shakti and Awakening is caused when we follow the right practices, following the path of Yoga.
Kundalini Shakti is the basis of all life. Devi Gayatri is the direct representation of Kundalini Shakti and Awakening is caused when we follow the right practices, following the path of Yoga.
Kundalini Yoga Practice is comprised broadly of 1) Raja Yoga 2) Hatha Yoga 3) Jnana Yoga 4) Bhakti Yoga. Raja Yoga and Hatha Yoga are widely practiced. They deal on the gross body platform.
Om mantra is the primoridal vedi sound, in which we do not use the tongue at all. This represents its ancient significance and power.
The Heart Chakra, called Anahata Chakra when activated can become a source of great energy. Visualize a green-colored, 12 petalled Lotus at the Heart's center.
The throat is the center of communication and also Knowledge. If the Throat Chakra attains positive energy, it shall fill the person with positive thoughts.
The Third Eye Chakra, is indicated by the subtle nerve endings at the region of the brow.The point at the center of the brows represents the Ajna Chakra.
The Crown Chakra has other names. Some names of this chakra are Sahasrara, Sahasra respectively. This one unlike other chakras, just lies a shade outside the physical body.
The practitioner may see divine or ghostly visions during Kundalini Awakening. Know that a mind-boggling number of subtle beings surround us.
Pranayama is a very useful tool for awakening the sleeping Kundalini Shakti. The practice of mindful breathing is Pranayama.
The Swadhisthana Chakra is also known as the Sacral Chakra. It exists 3 inches below the navel. The Chakra activates itself through passion and creativity.
The Manipura Chakra represents Self-esteem. The syllable (रं) and Mantras invoking Lord Suryanarayana are effective means to activate this chakra
Muladhara Chakra imbalance causes depression, fear, etc. These five practices can build make the chakra stronger and promote a healthy life.