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Rules Before Meditation
The practice of Meditation is as old as Satya Yuga. However, even in Kaliyuga, you will find several yogis following this path. The path of Kundalini Yoga originated in Bharat but is very popular in the west.
Essentially, the practitioner should first follow Yama and Niyama.

The dont’s of Spirituality are Yama while the do’s are Niyama. Meditation works best if one follows both Yama and Niyama. In other words, God-Realization is impossible without these two.
Does Meditation Cause Hallucination?
When we meditate following Yama and Niyama, divine visions might come along as an outcome. People sometimes tag it as “hallucinations.”

People might relate these divine visions with psychiatric disorders. Family members might rush to the clinic for consultations and medical support.
However, such subtler experiences crop up for people who undergo significant alterations during meditation. People stuck in this state of consciousness need guidance to come back to normalcy.
However, psychiatrists and other medical professionals cannot help much. Their medication suppresses the reality. Medicines do not alter consciousness but drug the brain from receiving subtler vibrations.
They affect the brain but do not affect the mind and consciousness.
Hence, a bonafide guru must educate the practitioner about the various experiences that come along.
Such an approach prevents unnecessary diversions during meditation. A guru alters the state of consciousness through his personal experience. But, a medical professional has no clue about such a state.
Unusual Experiences During Kundalini Yoga
Sometimes the practitioner may talk incoherently or may become fearful and touchy on account of some meditative practices.

He may see divine visions or ghostly visions as he is traversing various levels of consciousness.
We must know that a mind-boggling number of subtle beings surround us. They are present right here, but our primitive state of consciousness prevents us from experiencing those creatures.
But, meditation makes them accessible. Their sudden vision or sound may create a ruffle in our hearts. As the Sadhaka progresses, he or she may experience fragrance, extraordinary sounds. Also, he or she develops clairvoyance and clairaudience.
They may receive some advanced instructions from the higher realms and may also attain the skill of prophecy. Unfortunately, modern science rejects these experiences. They may call it “Bipolar disorder.”
Modern science sometimes fails to arrange the symptoms in the right bucket. Genuine higher-world experiences get shunned as the doctor confidently claims the sadhaka as a bipolar patient. Treatment starts while meditation stops.
Out-of-world experiences of the Sadhaka are verily the awakening of the Kundalini Shakti.
We may observe changes in the behavioural pattern of the Sadhaka. Others, including family members and the sadhaka himself or herself, must admit that Sadhana causes these.
Physical And Subtle Sensations During Kundalini Sadhana
During meditation, the Sadhaka:
1) Feels throbbing at the Mooladhar Chakra or the root Chakra below the spine.
2) Some Yogic practices start happening automatically: The Sadhaka may not have heard about a particular Yogic posture. But, the yogic posture gets introduced from the inside through the inner push of the Kundalini force.
Some of the common yogic postures that are bound to happen automatically are Uddiyana (उड्डियान), Jalandhara (जालन्धर) and Mulabandha (मूलबंध).
3) The breath of the Sadhaka may stop, either during the practice or during routine activities. This state is called Kevala Kumbhaka (केवल कुंभक). There is no exertion on the part of the Sadhaka, owing to the power of the Kundalini Shakti.

Sometimes, the Pranic forces flow with such momentum that the Sadhaka may experience:
4) Shocks in the back.
5) He or she may feel a tapping sensation on the head.
6) Sometimes one may experience physically being touched by someone.
7) One may feel numbness.
8) The feeling of the presence of the physical body gets negated.
9) Eyes remain shut, and it becomes difficult to open the eyes.
This inability is because there is a distancing between the body and self.
Om Mantra and Trikuti

When the subtle currents (Kundalini energy) rise upwards to the Sahasra Chakra (at the top of the head), the practitioner experiences extreme bliss and peace. He goes beyond the thought world.
Chanting the OM mantra heightens this state of experience. It prolongs the flow of the Kundalini-driven Pranic currents.
Perfect meditation happens when the meditator focusses on the Trikuti (त्रिकुटि). Trikuti is the region between the two eyebrows.
The rapid flow of Kundalini can suddenly instil insights of various kinds. Future predictions about oneself may be a common experience for many Sadhakas.
The ability to assess the personality of others and recognizing the inner motives of other people also develops.
These are blessings of Kundalini Shakti as she travels from the Mooladhara to the crown Chakra.
Benefits of Kundalini Awakening

Meditation brings forth inspiration and insight, and nature unfolds its secrets to you. Kundalini becomes fully activated when the Sadhaka can:
1) Interpret the Shastra: Decoding the meaning of Vedic texts is the toughest pursuit. If you develop the unique ability to interpret the scriptures after meditation, know for sure that Kundalini has awakened.
2) Body becomes light like air: This state signifies that the grossness of the physical body has dispersed. It allows subtler energies to flow through the body. The Prana-Shakti or regulation of air currents gets enhanced.
3) A balanced mind in perturbed conditions: After long years of Kundalini Yoga practice, one gains mind-control. Negative vibrations get nullified due to the resistance power one develops.
4) One possess inexhaustible energy for work: The body and mind organism harmoniously integrate due to Kundalini Shakti. One experiences lethargy due to lower currents in the body.
But, after successful meditation, the Kundalini Shakti rises, increasing the overall energy of the Sadhaka. These energies applied to fruitive work generate positivity in life.
What are Chakras?
The Chakras radiate Shakti, the vital force that nourishes the body. It maintains the energy system circulating within the body.
In other words, Chakras are centers of Pranashakti (the subtle air energy that radiates through the body) manifested by Pranavayu (subtler airs) in the living body.
Prana Vayu is another name for Universal Consciousness as it manifests in the form of these centers. It maintains the body.
The Chakras are not perceptible to the gross senses. They are the organizing faculty of the body. Hence, they disperse at the time of death, where no more organization is required.
Purity of mind is the most needed for the operation of the Pranavayu. Transparent like a pure conductor, the pure mind works as a conduit to transmit Prana through the body and nerve centers.
If contaminated, Prana gets locked at various nerve centers and becomes the source of disease.
Hence, leading a regulated life as we perform Kundalini Sadhana must be followed as a rule. The free flow of energy also depends on our outlook on people and life in general. If we are compassionate and empathic, our hearts open up to invite the free flow of Prana currents.
Success in Yoga maximizes if we focus our energy on Yogic practices. We must have a keen longing for liberation and intense Vairagya also.
Purity of intention is the essential cracker for Kundalini Sadhana. We must be sincere and earnest in following Yamas and Niyama processes before Kundalini Sadhana.
Intense and constant meditation is necessary for entering into Samadhi.
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How Chakras Affect Personality?
A worldly mind with base desires and passion fluctuates between the Mooladhar and Swadhisthana Chakras.

These centers lie near the anus and the reproductive organs. A person situated in the lower chakra has excess lustful tendencies and greed.
If one’s mind becomes pure, Kundalini Shakti rises to the Manipur Chakra or the center in the navel. It invites some power and joy.
If we further purify our mind, Kundalini Shakti rises to the Anahata Chakra lying in the center of the heart. We experience bliss and visualize the vibrant form of the Ishta Devata or the tutelary deity.
A highly pure mind results when meditation and devotion become intense and profound. Energy current rises, unlocking the Vishuddhi Chakra lying in the throat. The Sadhaka experiences more power and bliss.
However, there are possibilities of the mind reverting to the lower states of consciousness.
When a Yogi reaches the Ajna Chakra situated between the two eyebrows, he attains Samadhi. He realizes the Supreme Self or Brahman.
There is a slight sense of separateness between the Sadhaka and Brahman. This is the fascinating science of Kundalini Yoga.
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