Rama Nama: 7 Profound Benefits of Chanting

sri rama nama

The 3 Main Rama Nama Mantras

Sri Rama is the Lord of Lords and the main deity of the Ramanandi Sampradaya or Sect, popular in the Northern States of Bharat. I hail from the same Sampradaya and dedicate this blog to my Gurudeva Sri 1008 Lallandas Babaji Maharaj and my Parama Gurudeva Yogiraj Brahmarishi Sri Devraha Babaji Maharaj.

ramanandi guru parampara

Here we discuss the 2 main Mantras of Sri Rama namely the Sri Rama Rama Rameti Mantra and The Taraka mantra namely “Rama”.

The Sri Rama Rama Rameti Mantra

Sri Rama Rama Rameti Rame Raame Manorame Sahasra Nama Tattulyam Rama Nama Varaaanane.By meditating on the glorious name of Rama, my mind gets absorbed in the divine consciousness of Rama, which is transcendental.

bheeshma and yudhishthira

The name of Sri Rama is equivalent to the thousand names of Lord Vishnu. This is the statement from Vishnu Sahasranama, spoken by the great devotee Bheeshma to Yudhishthira while he lay on the bed of arrows on the battlefield of Kurukshetra.

The verse was also spoken by Lord Shiva to Mother Parvati as he delivered Rama Katha to her. This is also a mantra which is dear to Lord Shiva. This mantra is said to invoke the grace of Lord Shiva and Lord Rama simultaneously.

Anyone who chants this mantra shall overcome the fears of materialistic life. It is better to have a fixed number of chantings of the mantra every day for good results. Chanting the mantra at least 108 times every day shall give immense benefits.

Choosing the same fixed time during the day for mantra chanting gives the best results. Rama Mantra, on regular chanting, puts an end to grief and gloominess of the heart. Rama Mantra represents the fire and sun elements primarily.

Hence, chanting the mantra shall evoke enthusiasm to work and perform. Chanting the mantra shall also give new energy for all activities. There is also the inclusion of the moon element in the mantra, and hence, one who chants the mantra will have access to higher intelligence and will draw wisdom into one’s life. The greatest benefit of the mantra is that it improves concentration levels and gives one a magnetic persona if the practice is carried out for at least one year without a break.

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One shall become punctual and regular in one’s engagements and shall overcome sluggishness and procrastination with regular chanting of the mantra. The greatest benefit of the mantra is that one shall be attracted to truth. If truth is not an internal characteristic of the practitioner, the chanting of the mantra shall stop or leave the practitioner due to non-adherence to Dharma.

A sincere chanter of this mantra shall be drawn by Dharma and will be presented with hidden weapons that shall protect one from all challenges of materialistic living. This is a powerful mantra that can help graduate from materialistic living towards a stable and everlasting spiritual life.

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The Power of The Taraka Mantra “Rama”

According to the Yogic System, all powers of the universe lie latent, deep within the heart of man. It was Sant Tulsidasa, the renowned saint of Northern India, who revealed that it is Rama Nama alone that is the summum bonum of all existence, the very source of all energy. It is this energy, of Rama Nama, that lies latent within the soul.

The ‘Beej-Akshara’ or the seed-syllables contained within Rama Nama, if awakened, bestows both power and grace to the individual who chants the name ‘RAMA,’ invoking its infinite potency through sustained repetitions. Now, the syllables ‘RA-AA-MA’ represent three specific regions within the human physiology, energy centres through which this energy can become manifest.

7 chakras

The human system has seven chakras, of which six are primary nerve meeting centres, and the seventh one is the energy centre which is supra-mundane. These chakras are Mooladhara (the root chakra- at the base of the spine, below the genital area), Swadishthaan (near the navel), Manipuraka (solar-plexus), Anahata (at the heart centre), Vishuddhi (at the throat centre), Ajna (at the centre of the eyebrows), and Sahasra (just above the centre of the head).

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The Energy Centers and Rama Nama

If six of these seven energy centres are worked upon by Rama Nama mantra sadhana, or spiritual discipline of chanting the syllables ‘RA-AA-MA’ as in ‘RAM,’ six of the energy centres will be powered, and the inner realms of this universal energy shall be awakened. This energy can then be accessed by the chanter of RAMA nama and can be brought to use to solve the very mystery of life.


Let us understand how the syllables ‘RA-AA-MA’ correspond to the six chakras, so that by energizing them, it can trigger a deep awakening process, through which the great riddle of life can be solved. ‘RA’ represents the FIRE-energy, corresponding to the Mooladhara and Swadishthaan chakras.

‘RA’ is the sound that opens the lock of these two channels or chakras. Hence, ‘RA’ is also known as the Beeja akshara of Agni Deva, the Lord of Fire energy. ‘AA’ represents SUN-energy, corresponding to the Manipuraka and Anahata chakras. ‘AA’ is the sound that opens the lock of these two channels or chakras.

surya devata

Hence, ‘AA’ is also known as the Beeja akshara of Surya Deva, the Lord of Solar energy. ‘MA’ represents MOON-energy, corresponding to the Vishuddhi and Ajna chakras. ‘MA’ is the sound that opens the lock of these two channels or chakras. Hence, ‘MA’ is also known as the Beeja akshara of Chandra Deva, the Lord of Lunar energy.


There are also three energy conduits that manage three types of energy currents along the spine of the human system known as Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna. The ‘Ida’ current is that which is accessible through the left nostril, the cold current.

The ‘Pingala’ current is that which is accessible through the right nostril, the warm current, and the invisible, subtler current that is called Sushumna. ‘Ida’ is an aspect of Lunar energy controlled by the Beeja akshara ‘MA.’ ‘Pingala’ is an aspect of Solar energy controlled by the Beeja akshara ‘AA,’ and Sushumna is an aspect of Fire energy controlled by the Beeja akshara ‘RA.’

When we chant the name ‘Rama… Rama… Rama…’ it affects our entire system. It is a well-known fact that every sound, every vibration leaves an effect on our personality. It is proved beyond doubt through studies in the science of Yoga that the chakras start vibrating when we chant these particular sounds.


Sins are stains on our antahkarana – the inner instrument of man, buddhi, chitta, and ahankar (mind, intellect, memory, and ego). They are present from beginning-less time. Just as stubborn stains are removed by strong detergents, the hidden sins of anger, greed, jealousy, fear, and so on are removed by chanting the powerful mantra Rama.

By chanting potent mantras, we awaken all latent power. One can even become capable of understanding and interpreting the Vedas with immaculate precision, as was the case with Sage Valmiki, who had chanted Rama Nama several million times. This knowledge is hidden in us and gets revealed when we chant Lord Rama’s name. Rama Nama is very simple, yet the single most powerful mantra.


Chanting the holy name of Lord Sri Rama is the highest spiritual practice; nothing can ever equal the chanting of Sri Rama’s holy names.

Benefits of Rama Nama

The following are the benefits of chanting the Rama Nama. When Rama Nama is chanted, a tremendous transformation occurs in the person chanting it. The name of Rama harmonizes the body at one level as well as equalizes the psychological system at another level. All mind and body-related wounds will start getting healed at a rampant pace. The chanter, with a little bit of daily practice, will observe the nature of his thought world changing dramatically.

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Tranquility and calmness start setting into the mind-body organism. Divine power starts accumulating into the system, and negativity starts getting continuously flushed out. The holy name becomes a direct experiential force, the force of pure consciousness that keeps correcting and guiding the person chanting the mantra.

The Rama Nama eradicates mental weakness and destructive thought patterns. The power of Brahmacharya or sexual restraint shall automatically build up with a few months of daily practice. One should be aware that it is Brahmacharya alone that raises the immunity system and gives power to thought, and world actions will automatically start becoming refined and powerful.

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Anger will be restrained and will become a force that will be useful rather than becoming a self-destructive emotion. Concentration power will be increased manifold with years of practice. The chanter can even be blessed to realize the deity of the mantra, Sri Rama, who is the upholder of Dharma.

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